luncurkan alat tes kecerdasan kognitif anak, ini lho kelebihannya
Alat ini disebut-sebut lebih bagus daripada produk luar
negeri. - Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada
(UGM) bersama Yayasan Dharma Bermakna dan PT Melintas Cakrawala Indonesia
meluncurkan alat Tes Kognitif AJT. Alat ini berfungsi sebagai sarana untuk
mengukur kecerdasan kognitif anak berdasarkan latar belakang Indonesia.
"Profil kognitif yang dihasilkan oleh alat tes ini
lebih rinci dibandingkan dengan alat tes lain yang selama ini digunakan di
Indonesia," kata Project Manager AJT Retno Suhapti di Fakultas Psikologi
UGM, Yogyakarta, beberapa waktu lalu.
Selama ini, kata Retno, alat psikologi di Indonesia yang
dapat mengungkap kemampuan kognitif anak masih terbatas, dan kebanyakan berasal
dari luar negeri. Tes kognitif AJT memiliki kelebihan dibanding alat tes
psikologi yang selama ini ada karena disusun berdasarkan latar bekakang budaya
"Pembuatan item-itemnya berbasis budaya Indonesia,
misalnya memakai gambar buah pisang atau monyet. Sehingga jangan sampai memakai
gambar salju yang tidak semua anak Indonesia tahu," terang dia.
Selain itu, lanjut dia dikutip Antara, alat tersebut mampu mengukur
profil kognitif lebih rinci karena menggunakan landasan teori yang kuat yaitu
teori Cattel-Horn-Carrol (CHC) dengan 28 sub-tes. Teori CHC merupakan teori
tentang kemampuan manusia yang paling komprehensif saat ini yang didukung oleh
bukti empiris, serta mempertimbangkan aspek biologis, perilaku, dan neurologis.
Dia mengatakan alat tes itu dapat digunakan untuk anak usia
5 sampai 18 tahun baik yang mengikuti pendidikan formal maupun yang tidak
mendapatkan kesempatan mengenyam pendidikan.
"Ini juga akan menjadi alat tes komprehensif pertama
yang mampu memetakan kemampuan kognitif anak berkebutuhan khusus,"
UGM launches child cognitive intelligence-test, this is the advantage
This tool is mentioned better than overseas products.
This tool is mentioned better than overseas products. - Faculty of Psychology Gadjah Mada University (UGM) with Dharma Bermakna Foundation and PT Melintas Cakrawala Indonesia launched the AJT Cognitive Test tool. This tool serves as a means to measure children's cognitive intelligence based on Indonesian background.
"The cognitive profile generated by these test kits is more detailed
than the other test kits that have been used in Indonesia," said Project
Manager AJT Retno Suhapti at the Faculty of Psychology UGM, Yogyakarta, some
time ago.
During this time, said Retno, a psychological tool in Indonesia that can
reveal the cognitive abilities of children is still limited, and most come from
abroad. AJT
cognitive tests have advantages over psychological tests that exist because
they are based on the background of Indonesian culture.
"The making of the items is based on Indonesian culture, such as
wearing images of bananas or monkeys, so do not wear snow shots that not all
Indonesian children know," he explained.
In addition, he was quoted by Antara, the tool is able to measure the cognitive profile in more detail because it uses a strong theoretical foundation that is the theory of Cattel-Horn-Carrol (CHC) with 28 sub-tests. CHC theory is the most comprehensive theory of human capabilities today supported by empirical evidence, as well as considering biological, behavioral, and neurological aspects.
He said the test kit can be used for children aged 5 to 18 years who either attend formal education or who do not get the opportunity to get education.
"It will also be the first comprehensive test tool capable of mapping the cognitive abilities of children with special needs," he concluded.
My Translation
launched child cognitive intelligence-test; here is the advantage
This tool is mentioned better than overseas products.
This tool is mentioned better than overseas products.
- Faculty of Psychology Gadjah Mada University (UGM) with Dharma Bermakna
Foundation and PT Melintas Cakrawala Indonesia launched the AJT Cognitive Test
tool. This
tool serves as a means to measure children's cognitive intelligence based on
Indonesian background.
cognitive profile generated by these test kits is more detailed than the other
test kits that have been used in Indonesia," said Project Manager AJT
Retno Suhapti at the Faculty of Psychology UGM, Yogyakarta, some time ago.
this time, said Retno, a psychological tool in Indonesia that can reveals the
cognitive abilities of children is still limited, and most come from abroad. AJT
cognitive tests have some advantages over psychological tests that exist
because they are based on the background of Indonesian culture.
making of the items is based on Indonesian culture, such as wearing images of
bananas or monkeys, so do not wear snow shots that not all Indonesian children
know," he explained.
In addition, he was quoted by Antara, the tool is able to measure the cognitive profile in more detail because it uses a strong theoretical foundation that is the theory of Cattel-Horn-Carrol (CHC) with 28 sub-tests. CHC theory is the most comprehensive theory of human capabilities today supported by empirical evidence, as well as considering biological, behavioral, and neurological aspects.
He said the test kit can be used for children aged 5 to 18 years who either attend formal education or who do not get the opportunity to get education.
"It will also be the first comprehensive test tool capable of mapping the cognitive abilities of children with special needs," he concluded.
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